Retail translation services

Retail Translation Services

ASTA-USA retail translation services division is adept at translating your sales messages—whatever form they may take—into the native language of virtually any of your customers and markets.

And you don’t need to be selling abroad to benefit from retail translation. Large proportions of local populations in the United States do not have English as a first language.

Take New York, for example. At the last count, 14.44 per cent of the population have Spanish as a first language and habitually speak it. Well, it’s only 14.44 per cent so should you be that concerned?  The answer is emphatically ‘yes’. Because that percentage represents a headcount of, to be precise, 2,611,903 people. Over two-and-a-half million people that can and possibly will buy your product or the service you’re offering—if you communicate with them at their level and in their language.

Translate your sales messages into Mandarin and Chinese—just in New York— and you’ve instantly made it easier for nearly half a million people to buy from you, rather than your competitor.

Two things to consider when choosing your retail translation services partner: culture and competence.

First: culture. There’s much more to retail translation than changing the words and grammatical structure of sentences directly into the target language. Your content should demonstrate an appreciation of the culture of the people that speak the language.

That’s why, at ASTA-USA, we use native speakers (and, of course, writers) of the target language. So if you’re translating from US English to Spanish, for example, the translation specialists we use will have Spanish as a first language (and will either live, or will have lived, in a Spanish-speaking country) but also a Bachelor’s Degree in English. So, as well as being academically qualified, the people that actually carry out your retail translations have an innate understanding of the culture of the individuals with whom you wish to communicate.

But at ASTA-USA retail translation services, we go further; binging us on to our second important point…

The translators we handpick for your retail translations are specialists in Retail—as well as language

Competence. So for your retail translations you have native speakers in the target language, with an intimate, firsthand knowledge of the culture. But that’s not enough. Retail is a hugely specialized sector. It has its own vernacular; its own way of putting things. When you’re talking to your customers, you’re generally aiming for one thing: sales. Sure, you might want to merely inform, but generally, the principle overarching aim of communicating with your prospects and existing customers is to generate sales, increase your market share, and build your business.

To do that, what your customers and potential customers read needs to cajole, entertain, inform, and persuade. If your prospective customer is already buying a competing brand, you need to change their mind. If your product is innovative and brand new, you need to convince the reader that it’s better than what they’re using and doing already and part with their cash.

You stand a much greater chance of doing this if you speak the language of the customer. After all, who’s more likely to have the advantage: a company that only communicates in English, or one that takes the trouble to understand quite large proportions of their potential customer base and communicate with them using their mother tongue?

Does your message actually work in a foreign language at all?

This is apocryphal but reputedly true. A large European motor manufacturer—in fact, the European division of America’s own General Motors—launched a compact hatchback called the Nova. The grand European launch went beautifully. The motoring press lauded over the car’s brilliant use of space, the engine options available and the superior quality and feel of the interior, the refinement, and the advanced technology with which the little vehicle was equipped.

Which was all fine. Until the sub-launch in Spain. You see, whilst the name Nova was redolent of new-ness, even the spectacular explosion of a star to a supernova as the car launched onto the motoring scene with great fanfare and aplomb, no va, in Spanish means won’t or doesn’t go.

Oops. Cue frantic ordering of new badges for the back of a lot of cars and the reprinting of all the literature…

In Germany, a cellphone is called a handy. In the United Kingdom, it’s called a mobile phone or simply mobile. In fact, in the UK, calling a mobile telephone handset a cellphone will, we guarantee, get you at least some strange looks if you said it. If you wrote it in a piece of advertising or sales literature, well… you might not sell a lot of a handsets. Because the British will think you’re a bit weird, frankly, old chap.

At ASTA-USA we recognize that retail translation services can be a minefield. We’re here to guide you through it unscathed.

With retail translation, you literally can’t afford to leave anything to chance. And not just in terms of financial cost: your reputation is worth more than getting it wrong. Or even slightly adrift. Every little error, every little cultural nuance missed loses you points in the eyes of the consumer. And it simply doesn’t have to be that way.

ASTA-USA will translate your:

  • Sales literature
  • Advertising
  • Sales emails
  • Websites
  • Order forms
  • Packaging
  • TV and radio commercials

And any other messaging that’s required to illicit a response or simply to inform your target audience. Plus, any ASTA-USA retail translator will instinctively know whether your brand or product name or conceptual approach works in the target language and culture.

Contact us without delay for expert retail translation services. 

ASTA-USA Retail Translation Services. You’ll Be Amazed How Easy It Is To Work With Us.

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